pregnant comments

Since I’ve been pregnant I’ve heard a whole lot of baby suggestions, advice, ways to tell if I’m having a boy or girl without an ultrasound–and the best conversation I had at church by a nice elderly lady: You are how far along now? Your face is starting to show it. I guess I sort of expected … More pregnant comments

why i don’t miss my boys \ why don’t i miss my boys

Every year we’ve lived in New York the boys have spent their summers in Utah. It’s been a week and a half since they left, and over the weekend I was asked multiple times by people how often I’ve talked to them since they’ve been there. Yesterday someone asked me if I called them every day and I … More why i don’t miss my boys \ why don’t i miss my boys

working on it

Do you ever set goals that you never accomplish? My solution to this has always been to not really set concrete goals and then not really ever fail at them. The biggest winning argument for this is that I never have to tell myself that I can’t have dessert. Then I became a parent that realized what her children … More working on it

tidy it up

A few weeks ago I offered to help my friend pack her apartment for moving. I was explaining how I enjoy packing because it’s like a Tetris game to pack as efficiently as possible. And I enjoy unpacking because I like analyzing the new space and deciding where everything could best be stored. Then my friend recommended a … More tidy it up