being thoughtfully political

A few days ago someone on Facebook shared this tweet. As someone who hates political names, but finds liberal views more agreeable, my initial thoughts were very defensive: How does someone call themselves a centrist while posting such a divisive statement? I know plenty of rude conservatives! Maybe this person just doesn’t know how to … More being thoughtfully political

tidy up day 1

I finished the magical tidying book over the weekend and all in all I was glad I read it–keeping a couple of things in mind. One: Japanese cultures can be different, and the author might be slightly annoying. It helped me get over the 500 times she explains how she was reading organization magazines at five. Or when … More tidy up day 1

working on it

Do you ever set goals that you never accomplish? My solution to this has always been to not really set concrete goals and then not really ever fail at them. The biggest winning argument for this is that I never have to tell myself that I can’t have dessert. Then I became a parent that realized what her children … More working on it

tidy it up

A few weeks ago I offered to help my friend pack her apartment for moving. I was explaining how I enjoy packing because it’s like a Tetris game to pack as efficiently as possible. And I enjoy unpacking because I like analyzing the new space and deciding where everything could best be stored. Then my friend recommended a … More tidy it up