the things i eat for blogs

I found this article about microwave desserts you can make in mugs. I was intrigued to step up my nightly mug of hot chocolate, so I thought I’d give some a try. (Just kidding, drinking hot chocolate every night would be ridiculous, so of course I don’t actually do that.)

My first thought was, I don’t really need any of these tonight since we already have bread pudding in the fridge (Tyler’s staple dessert). But then I realized I couldn’t just post about these recipes without at least trying one. So basically I tried it in the name of science. Or journalism. Or something along one of those lines.

So this is how the first four steps of my Hot Chocolate Mug Cake went…

  • Step 1: Dump a packet of hot chocolate into a mug
  • Step 2: Add 3 tablespoons of flour
  • Step 3: Re-read the recipe and realize I only needed 1 tablespoon of hot chocolate mix.
  • Step 4: Carefully scoop out flour and what I hope is 1 tablespoon of hot chocolate mix into a second mug.

After mixing in the rest of the ingredients, I put the mug in the microwave for one minute–ready for this to come out. (This is the picture from the recipe post.)


What actually came out was pretty much a Pinterest fail moment…


Final judgement: Beyond the look, one minute didn’t quite cook it enough and there was some batter at the bottom. It also tasted a little flour-y, but that could be because my flour is a mix of wheat and white (or that step 3 thing). Even still, it was a pretty good craving buster–and I’m excited to give some of the other recipes a try.

For science & journalism. Sci-nalism.

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